Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rise in Temperature

In recent years, scientists have noted a rapid increase in average temperatures throughout the World. This has effects on each and every region of the world. According to a report from the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) titled 'Killer Summer Heat,' the average temperature of the United States could rise by as many as 11 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the 21st century. "The risks to public health are greatest when high temperatures mix with other weather conditions to cause what's known as an 'Excessive Heat Event,' or EHE," the report states. EHE days occur when the temperature, dew point temperature, cloud cover, wind speed, and surface atmospheric pressure create conditions dangerous enough to cause heat-related deaths.
Data via NCDC. According to four major global meteorological and atmospheric monitoring agencies, temperatures have gradually risen for the past 30 years; the 2000s have officially been declared the warmest decade in recorded history.

Extensive Rise in temperature has vast effects on probably every part of this atmosphere some of those are discussed earlier in the BLOG while some we will discuss later in BLOG but here right now we will have a brief look on the effects of Rising in Temperature on  human lives how they are getting killed by this cruel environment?
This shows the Global Rise in Temperature from 1970 to 2015.
 The most common causes of death related to rising temperatures include the following conditions:
  • Heat exhaustion: According to The Mayo Clinic, heat exhaustion is characterized by profuse sweating and a rapid pulse/heartbeat; these two symptoms essentially indicate the body is overheating. Other signs of heat exhaustion include dizziness, low blood pressure, and muscle cramps. Individuals who suspect they have heat exhaustion should immediately stop whatever they are doing, retreat to a relatively cool location, and consume cool water or electrolyte-filled sports drinks.

  • Heat Stroke: Heatstroke could be characterized as 'advanced heat exhaustion; the Mayo Clinic notes that individuals diagnosed with heat stroke usually have a temperature in excess of 104 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to the outside temperature, the symptoms of heatstroke may be exacerbated by prescription medication, pre-existing medical conditions, high humidity and even consuming alcohol on a hot day. Unlike heat exhaustion, heatstroke demands medical attention; untreated heatstroke can negatively affect the brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles. In June 2015, a severe heatwave struck southern Pakistan mostly in its province of Sindh and its capital Karachi the highest temperature recorded in that heatwave was 49 °C(120 °F) causing the death of about 2000 people from dehydration and heatstroke. These events followed a separate heatwave in its neighboring country INDIA that killed 2500 people in May 2015.
    The Table shows recorded temperatures in Southern Pakistan in 2015.

  • Cardiovascular disease: According to the National Institute of  Environmental Health Science, extreme heat (as well as extreme cold) has been linked to a higher incidence rate of cardiovascular diseases and conditions, such as strokes and dysrhythmia. Cardiovascular disease is already the deadliest medical condition in the United States, and strokes are listed as the country's third leading cause of death.
  • Kidney disease: Prolonged exposure to excessively hot temperatures can lead to major kidney problems, notes American Family Physician contributor James L. Glazer MD. Rhabdomyolysis, a condition caused by damaged tissue, often results from heatstroke and has been linked to long-term renal disease. The body's ability to regulate water intake may also be affected, which can lead to kidney and/or bladder infections.
  • Aggravated allergies: Since two major allergens pollen and ragweed spread during relatively warm months; the EPA notes that spring allergy seasons are occurring earlier each year as a result of increasing temperatures.
In addition to the human toll, there is a significant financial impact to consider. 'Killer Summer Heat' discusses a heatwave that struck California in Summer 2006. Over the two-week period of extreme heat, 655 people lost their lives and more than 16,000 individuals made trips to the emergency room; the heatwave ultimately resulted in costs nearing $5.3 billion. The report notes that as many as 150,000 men, women, and children could potentially die of heat-related causes by the year 2100.

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